When I moved to Colorado, nearly two years ago now, I discovered something amazing: The closest to heaven It is humanly possible to be. Waking up to the site of mountains is probably the most stunning thing In all the world. When the clouds aren't in the sky, but rather in your back yard. when talking to the wind seems a

Fall is captivating, With aspen turning golden and maples showing off their red coats. Halloweens running through the pumpkin patch, where the dryness of an almost desert land brings out every little smell. From the apple butter and cider being sold, to the pines who never loose their leaves.
snow comes and goes, nearly all year. And though I will often complain about the cold and wet, the first snow Is an amazing thing. Like winter faeries coming to the earth, they whirl around in snow flake dresses bringing with them the mad buzz of hot chocolate, peppermint bark, And christmas carols coming from every car radio in the town.
But in all four seasons

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