Sunday, July 6, 2008


I am re-writing this, because right now it kind of feels like brain overload. But, heres my first draft.

So many emotions, creeping in. Picking and choosing which to feel. Heat mixing with exhaustion and excitement. walking down aisle after aisle of artwork, (Ok, so maybe the baby head on the busty goth lady's body and the melted dear face is not really art, but the rest was stunning.) I love the smell of it, most of all. Like weekends, and fun. Like summer. Most of the time however, I watched the people. It's so interesting, what is going through all their heads. Mothers with newborn babies, how beautiful it is just to see the love on their faces. How they look upon their children, not seeing all the art around them because the most beautiful artwork is in their own arms.
Later, we entered a toy store named "Kazoo" It was brilliant. The entire top story was stuffed animals, and downstairs was filled with hundreds of toys. walking around, I longed to turn back to childhood and run around through the toy store. It made me so happy, In a weird way. I don't know. Toys just always make me happy. I think thats because most children I see are happy, Happy with life and how new it all is. Happy to experience it all with new eyes, not yet tainted with the horrors of the world. I love that. I wish That was how we all felt, all the time. So full of life and energy.
When we left the store, It was raining. Just lightly, nothing bad. the kind of rain that appears here and taunts us day after day but never really rains. People ran trying to take cover from it, covering artwork in a mad rush. Inside we all went as well, in a small dark restaurant to cool off from the summer heat but stay dry. After eating, we returned to the art fair. Overheated, I began feeling very lightheaded and was near fainting. literally, no exaggeration. All the sights and sounds were too much for me, And I began to get that feeling you have while dreaming. Not really a part of it, sort of unreal and detached. I walked along, Being dragged by the continuous need to see more, more. Most of it passed in a blur, where I wasn't there at all. Maybe my mind was asleep but my body stayed awake. just so I could see all the beautiful things, and still have memory for it? who knows. But after I got some food In my system, I felt ok.
Then I found myself in my car, Going home. After such a long day, it passed so quick. Obviously I am home now and writing this from my computer room, but I still feel like I'm there.


Lottery Girl said...

GREAT post! Although you are missing a graf. I found it on the floor and thought I'd post it:

"And the entire time, Kitty was with me. She's the B-O-M-B. She entertained me with her new hit single, "I'm Going to See the Swami."

BellaRose said...

Oh no! I cant believe I forgot that vital part of my blog!

Jill said...

Wonderful post. Intriquing.

BellaRose said...

thank you so much!