Friday, May 30, 2008


Ringing through me like my whole world is shaking, beautiful waves running through my fingers going up.. up.. Ringing out through my mouth. I release the sound and let it flow onward. Out into the world, My creation lingers only a few seconds then softly, falls back down into oblivion. Letting go, Only to be reborn again with the next Push of those white and Black keys. We are one being, me and the music. I let it become me, and i become it. Nothing matters. Nothing while I am this other person, this new and stunning person who is one with this sound. This Is who I am, and who I want to be. I am so beautiful, we all are so beautiful when covered in these shimmering notes, gliding through the air. Harmonies... Yes, harmonies. That is what I'm trying to create.


Aurora said...

I love your pictures. Colorado really does look beautiful.

BellaRose said...

Thanks, yes it is lovely.

Jill said...

I love your blog. You have so many great posts